Enrollment Procedures
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Step 1: Visit & Observe

Before deciding to enroll your child in our school we require that you make an appointment to visit, speak with the director, and observe in a classroom.  Appointments are made to observe the morning classroom work cycle.  We believe it is vitally important that each parent understands the Montessori philosophy to determine if our program is a good match for their child.   There is no better way to do this than observing a class in session.

Please plan at least an hour for your visit and observation.  During the hour we will discuss Montessori education, our program, allow you to observe a class for at least twenty to thirty minutes, and end with time for questions.  We ask that only adults attend this initial visit.  It has been our experience that parents tend to focus on their child's reaction to a new environment rather than on the program itself.  Appropriate transition time for students is scheduled after enrollment.

Please call (904) 733-5797 to set up an appointment.  Scheduling appointments allows us to limit the number of adults in the classroom and minimize distractions for our current students.

Classroom Observation:

While in the classroom:

1. Please seat yourself as designated and become as unobtrusive as possible.
2. If children begin to speak to you, try not to engage them in conversation, but politely say to them, "Please continue with your work."
3. Any child's behavior may be a reaction to your presence in the room.  This is particularly true of your own child.  Please observe the class as a whole.

What to Look for in a Montessori Classroom:

1. Are the children happy?  Are they enjoying what they are doing?  Is there an aura of happiness in the classroom atmosphere?
2. Are the children involved and interacting with the materials?  Are the majority of the children absorbed in what they are doing?
3. Are the children treated with respect?
4. Do the adults listen to the children?
5. Do the adults appear to trust the children?  Do the children appear free?
6. Are the children encouraged to be creative - imaginative - in what they say and in their art work?
7. Do the adults respect the child's work and encourage the children?
8. Are the learning materials easily available to the children?  Do they seem appropriate?
9. Are the children working for their own satisfaction?
10. How much of the day is spent on individual activities (those of the children's choosing) and how much time on group activities?
11. Are most activities initiated by the children or by the directress or director?
12. How much do the children do for themselves and how much is done for them?  Is independence fostered?
13. Is there a quiet hum of activity?
14. Do the children appear relaxed and secure?
15. Does the directress or director have a pleasant expression of his/her face?
16. Does the classroom environment appear attractive and orderly?
17. Is there a place for everything?  Do the children put their work "back in it's place?"
18. Do the adults appear to love their work and the children?
19. Does the appearance and manner of the directress or director suggest professionalism?
20. If you were a child, would you want to be in this classroom?

Step 2: Registration

After you have visited and decide to enroll, the second step is to complete a registration packet which can be obtained from the Director after your observation:

Student Enrollment Agreement (Sign and Submit)
State of Florida Department of Children and Families Application for Enrollment (Sign and Submit)
Parent Handbook (A copy is provided upon registration)
Non-refundable registration fee, which guarantees the next available space for your child.

Step 3: Admission & Starting School

Admission is contingent upon completion of classroom observation and submission of registration packet.  Once paperwork and fees are received, a transition date will be set if space is available.  If space is not available you will be placed on our waiting list and contacted prior to an available start date.

Transition Days:

We schedule at least two transition days to ease your child’s transition to school.  A child's first experience in a new environment should be a positive one.  A parent must accompany their child the first transition day for an hour in their classroom.  A parent should observe and allow the child to establish their own separation and independence in the classroom.  The second transition day the parent accompanies their child for an hour then if the child is comfortable, the parent says good-bye, returning after lunch to pick up the child.  If the child seems to be adjusting well then the child may attend his/her full program on the third day.  If he/she needs more transition days we schedule additional days until the child seems secure enough for his/her full program.  It is normal for children to take time to adjust to a new environment and transition days are an important step toward being comfortable with that change.

Other Paperwork/Forms:

Before your child's first day at school we request that you review and update the State of Florida's Student Application Form which provides the school with all the necessary emergency contact numbers, allergies, special considerations, and individuals authorized to pick up your child from school.  This form can be updated with the school's office at anytime.  A blue immunization form (#680) and a yellow health form (#3080) are required by the State to be submitted within 30 days of your child's start date.  These two forms are obtained from the child's doctor. The immunization form has an expiration date and the yellow form must be updated every two years.  State law prohibits continued attendance by any child without current valid medical forms on file in the school office.

We respect the rights and privacy of current and prospective students and families and honor the confidentiality of all reports, records, interview information and/or any other information or materials obtained.  No information is released without the consent of the parents or guardians.

We ask that all information be kept current, especially phone numbers and persons authorized to pick up your child.

First Day Suggestions:

Please bring the following on the first day:

Clothes: provide complete changes of clothes in quantities appropriate for your child’s age and development. Each item MUST be clearly labeled with child's name. 
Blanket and Crib Size Sheet: these items are required for nappers only.  A small pillow is optional.  Please provide a labeled canvas bag to contain all of the napping items.  Children are not required to sleep but are encouraged to have some quiet time where they can calm their bodies and rest.
Lunch Box: please provide a reusable lunch container clearly labeled with child's name along with a cloth napkin, cloth placemat, and metal cutlery (if applicable).  Infants bring their own formula and food with containers clearly labeled.
Medication: if your child is currently taking medicine, the original medication bottle with prescription is required.  If it is a non-prescription medication, a doctor's note is required.  Any medication requires a signature on an "Authorization for Medication Form" available at school. 

a child's place staff will not administer any medicine (including over the counter items) without a prescription or a note from a physician with detailed instructions on application and a signed authorization from a parent.