12 months – 18 months
(Starting at 12 months and transitioning to Toddler program as developmentally ready)
The period of infancy and young toddlerhood is undoubtedly the richest. At no other time in your child’s life will he/she grow and develop as much or as fast as during this stage. Your child will experience sensitive periods for order, language, movement (gross and fine motor), as well as an emotional period of self awareness and human interaction.
Our environment takes special care in supporting and meeting the needs of these sensitive periods and in creating a trusting environment for children and their parents as well. The young toddler environment allows freedom of movement, which is essential to the development of the young toddler’s full potential.
We use specific materials and furniture, which are child size, to allow the development of all the senses – tactile, visual, auditory, taste, olfactory, vestibular and kinesthetic.
Each of these materials is aesthetically beautiful, have isolated difficulty, control of error and a point of interest.
The Young Toddler community’s schedule is based on the needs of the individual child and not an arbitrary, preset time of activities.

Montessori Young Toddler Education Key Concepts
- Parents as partners
- Respect for the Family
- Loving and nurturing
- Trust
- Independence
- Grace and courtesy
- Receptive and Expressive language Development
- Exploration and learning through the five senses
- Freedom of choice and movement
- Sense of order and concentration
- Individualized developmental activities in a prepared environment
- Development of self-help skills
- Responsive reciprocal interaction
- Cultural diversity
- Aesthetic sensitivity
- Music and art enrichment
- Personal identity and self esteem
- Individualized journals
- Excellent child/caregiver ratio
- On-going Montessori/child development education for all personnel
"Typical Day" Schedule (Varies with age and development)
7:15 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. |
Indoor Activities |
Reading and songs |
Snack |
Toileting |
Developmental activities |
Napping |
10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. |
Outdoor activities |
11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. |
Indoor activities |
Lunch |
Reading and songs |
Snack |
Toileting |
Developmental activities |
Napping |
2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. |
Outdoor Activities |
3:00 p.m. - 5:45 p.m. |
Indoor Activities (see above) & dismissal |